my love my family

Verse 1:
Akshay brother, the rock of the family
Always there to lend a helping hand
Puja sister, with a heart of gold
Bringing joy to every corner of our land

Mayuri sister, with a smile that lights up the room
Rekha mother, a pillar of strength and grace
Rajendra father, guiding us with wisdom and love
Together we are, a family bound by unbreakable lace

Verse 2:
Through hard times and good
We stand tall, hand in hand
With love and laughter, we conquer it all
In this life's ever-changing sand

Mayuri sister, with a smile that lights up the room
Rekha mother, a pillar of strength and grace
Rajendra father, guiding us with wisdom and love
Together we are, a family bound by unbreakable lace

In every storm, we find hope
In every challenge, we find faith
With each other, we always cope
As one, we'll forever be safe

Mayuri sister, with a smile that lights up the room
Rekha mother, a pillar of strength and grace
Rajendra father, guiding us with wisdom and love
Together we are, a family bound by unbreakable lace

So let's raise our voices high
And celebrate this bond so true
For in each other, we'll always find
The love that will see us through.


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